What is SSD VPS Hosting
SSD VPS Hosting in easy words can be defined as a Solid State Drive VPS Hosting Plan. VPS Hosting service Provides uses an SSD disk instead of the traditional Hard Disk Drive on their physical servers. The benefit of VPS Hosting over an HDD is that it consumes less power and delivers faster performance and speed. Let see in detail what differentiates the two drives from one another. VPS SSD storage service provides many other benefits including; dedicated IP address, committed customer support, managed servers, quick setup, guaranteed uptime, simple control panel, no limits on bandwidth. to one side from this, we also give high bandwidth, disk space, load management, perform troubleshoot and everything that your first need as well focuses on what’s important for your business.
Cheap VPS Server Hosting Plan
3 Major Advantages of SSD VPS Hosting:
- SSD uses flash memory to store data. This improves the read-write speed significantly leading to improved performance of the server additionally the website loading speed.
- HDD are more prone to damage as they use separable platters instead of flash memory. SSD is more reliable in terms of efficiency and durability which in turn builds trust and credibility for your customer.
- A faster loading website directly impacts Google search engine results and your website’s SEO. Websites hosted VPS Hosting load quickly thus helping you enhance your page ranking.
Comparison between SSD and HDD
- Solid State Drives draw less power and boosting battery life.
- SSD uses flash memory to store data. data doesn’t get deleted immediately due to the magnetic disk effect on data.
- SSDs have hardly any moving parts. Hence they produce very little noise and quaker.
- Cost-wise SSDs are expensive but they deliver high performance to the website moving.
- HDD Hard Disk Drives draw area of power thus affecting their battery.
- HDD have circular platters to store data in magnetic format. However, a downside to magnetic disk storage is magnets can erase data, hence data is sensitive.
- HDD has platters to store data and they cause noise while moving as well as vibrations.
- HDDs are cheaper as compared to SSD, but they compromise the performance of the website in the longer run.
Onlive Server offers Cheap VPS Hosting at a low of 9$ per month, Onlive Server comes with an amazing VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting service and offers VPS Hosting with SSD services. OnLive Server is a division of Onlive, Inc., which is based in Los Angeles, California. Onlive Server offers VPS Server Hosting on industry-leading Intel Xeon processors Onlive Server is based in Los Angeles, California. Cheap VPS Hosting from Onlive Server offers better performance, reliability, security, and speed. VPS Hosting from Onlive Server is one of the most affordable hosting solutions.
Onlive Server offers the Best VPS Hosting for as low as per month. SSD VPS Hosting from Onlive Server is optimized for Flash, Silverlight, PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Rails, Java, and .Net. VPS Server Hosting from Onlive Server offers multiple data centers in Los Angeles, California. Onlive Server offers for as low as per month! Onlive Server offers for as low as 9$ per month. from Onlive Server is optimized for Flash, Silverlight, PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Rails, Java, and .Net. OnLive Server offers multiple data centers in Los Angeles, California. Onlive Server offers VPS Hosting SSD for a low Price.